From NKAA, Notable Kentucky African Americans Database (main entry)

Jackson, Jordan C., Jr.

(born: 1848  -  died: 1918) 

Jordan C. Jackson, Jr. was born in Lexington, KY, the son of James Ann and Jordan C. Jackson, Sr. He was married to Isabelle Mitchell Jackson and brother of John H. Jackson.  

An attorney and African American Republican leader in Kentucky, Jordan, Jr. was the first African American undertaker in Lexington, along with his partner William M. Porter. Jackson eventually bought out Porter.

Prior to getting into the undertaking business, Jackson was editor of the American Citizen newspaper. He also contracted with the federal government to carry mail from the train to the post office. He was chairman of the committee behind the creation of Douglass Park in Lexington.

For more see Biographical Sketches of Prominent Negro Men and Women of Kentucky, by W. D. Johnson; Ante-bellum free Negroes as race leaders in Virginia and Kentucky during Reconstruction (thesis), by C. B. King, p. 136; and "From Enslaved to Community Activist" in The Historical Marker Database.

Kentucky County & Region

Read about Fayette County, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

Kentucky Place (Town or City)

Read about Lexington, Kentucky in Wikipedia.

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“Jackson, Jordan C., Jr.,” Notable Kentucky African Americans Database, accessed October 22, 2024,

Last modified: 2021-08-27 17:31:36