African American Schools: Ralph Bunche Community Center Oral History Project (FA 455)
The following information comes from the collection notes about the Ralph Bunche Community Center Oral History Project (FA 455).
"This collection consists of ten interviews done with African Americans who attended the Ralph Bunche School when it was still a segregated school in Glasgow, Kentucky. The interviews were conducted by Jessica Bonneau; Barry Kaufkins served as the faculty advisor on the project. Interviews were arranged alphabetically by the informant. The interviewees discuss the importance of the school in the African American community, the values taught at the facility, teachers and teaching, prejudice, segregation and integration, and general attitudes toward African Americans. Concurrently the interviews also reveal information about African American culture in Glasgow. The interviews are on CDs (compact discs). This project was funded by the Kentucky Oral History Commission, Frankfort, Kentucky."
The collection has 1/2 box, 11 folders, 21 items that contain the originals and compact disc copies. All items are available at Western Kentucky University, Manuscripts and Folklife Archives Collections.