Colored News and News of Inerest to Colored People (Bowling Green Newspaper)
(start date: 1937 - end date: 1965)An early print of the "Colored News" was in the March 24, 1937, issue of the Park City Daily News. Five years later, in 1942, there was the "News of Interest to Colored People" in the June 21st issue of the newspaper. This was followed by the "Lead Colored News" in the June 28th issue, then the return to "News of Inerest to Colored Peopl" in November of 1944 and early June of 1945.
Starting on June 13, 1945, the "Colored News" column was more consistenly printed in the Park City Daily News (Bowling Green, KY), which was about 40 years later than many of the colored news sections in other Kentucky newspapers [source: "Colored News," 06/14/1945, p.3]. The column was located on an inner page of the newspaper and contained no more than a few brief paragraphs with announcements, death notices, meetings, and other events that were thought to be relavent to the African American community in Bowling Green. The colmn continued until March of 1965.